It's been quite a while since I last posted something. A lot has happened in that time.
Last time I write was just after I was diagnosed with PND, I am happy to report that I'm almost better. Although I now think I'm starting to show signs of Anxiety, so looks like it'll be back to the doctors and more medication of some sort.
I have had a massive year, it's safe to say that I've grown and learnt a lot about myself in that time.
I joined a beautiful group of ladies in Brisbane for the Miss Muddy obstacle course. An amazing weekend, long and expensive, but so much fun!! I got my first tattoo that weekend too. Safe to say I now want another!
I continued on with my fitness and weight loss journey, and while I'm yet to reach my original goals I'm happy with where I ended up. Next year will be bigger and better.
The biggest news out of this year though would be that I got a teacher transfer and moved back to Rockhampton, closer to family, which hopefully will be better for us in the long run. But we will see. I start work towards the end of next month so for now will be enjoying some much needed r'n'r.
My oldest baby starts school next year! :( I cannot believe that he's old enough to be going to school! It feels like just yesterday that he was born! Needless to say next year is going to be a big one!
I had to say goodbye to some amazing students and teacher friends over the last few weeks. And I'll admit, even though I'm literally just down the road, I already miss them. Next year will be difficult without them! :(
So thanks to everyone for helping me get through the last 6 months!
Until next time!
S. X